1) To be dedicated to the pursuit of Aviation education and training.

Because there will be more students who will want to participate in this program than space will allow, those admitted must be prepared to dedicate themselves to the goals and objectives of this program. Failure to do so will not be tolerated, and will result in that student's expulsion from the "Young Aviators" Program.

2) To maintain the academic standards identified by the "Young Aviators" Program.

The dedication to maintain academic performance in regular school subjects, as well as the "Young Aviators" Ground School training, is critical to success in this program. To this end, candidates must have a 2.5 grade point average, on a 4.0 scale, in their regular junior high or high school subjects in order to enter the Ground School program. A ground school cadet whose average falls below the 2.5 minimum level, may be expelled from the program. All ground school cadets will submit a copy of their report cards for grade point average verification, as requested.

3) Prompt and timely attendance to all classes and meetings of the "Young Aviators."

Ground and Flight School instruction is cumulative in nature, and attendance is mandatory to prevent students from falling behind. It is understood that emergencies may arise, but a commitment of both time and energy must be made, if a student is to be successful in this endeavor. The discipline and dedication necessary for this program requires that students arrive on time to all classes, meetings, and flight lessons.

4) To comply with the dress and conduct code of the "Young Aviators."

Both ground school and flight cadets are expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting the strength, character and morality of the "Young Aviators" Program. Inappropriate language and any aggressive or dangerous behavior will not be tolerated. Appropriate dress for classes and flight instruction will be the "Young Aviators" T-shirt (which will be supplied upon admission), and clean blue jeans or khaki shorts, depending upon the weather. Clean tennis shoes are also required. Ground school and flight cadets are expected to present themselves in a neat and clean manner, with hair being kept off the collar. Due to the use of communication headsets within the aircraft, excessive jewelry will not be allowed.

5) To abstain from the use of alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco in all forms, and the willingness to submit to randomized drug screening, if necessary.

Pilots have a responsibility not only for their own lives, but also the lives of others. In this regard, it is imperative to abstain from using those substances that would impair the judgment or reaction times necessary in operating an aircraft. Alcohol, drugs and tobacco are all illegal substances for minors, and have no place in the Ground School or Flight Cadet Programs. Randomized individual drug screening may be required to determine compliance with this portion of the "Young Aviators" Program.

6) To perform community service projects, as required.

The "Young Aviators" Program is a community service organization as well as an educational organization. Community service projects will be undertaken by the "Young Aviators" both around the Airport and in the community. As a student in our program, your participation and enthusiasm is expected with regard to these projects.

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